Laylat-ul-Qadr;My favourite is here again;

Laylat-ul-Qadr;My favourite is here again;

Laylat-ul-Qadr,the night of decree,the night of power,the night of value,the night of Destiny,the night of Measure, incomparable night is here again.                                               The night where the Quran was revealed,the night where angels descends to the earth,the night where the blessing and mercy are in abundant,the night where supplications are accepted,the night where the sins are forgiven,the night that is better than 1000 months is here again.                      
Oh you! Who believe,don't miss the golden opportunity given to you by the creator of heaven and earth (ALLAH S.W.T).                   Pray in the night abundantly, Read the Quran excessively, Make Du'a  profusely, Make Dhikr affluently, Do good deeds opiously,Sleep very little.
Don't forget the prayer recommended by The Prophet (S.A.W).
"Allahumo  Innaka 'afuwun tuhibbu- li-'afwa fa'fu'anni ".
Say it more and more and you receive the blessing from your lord .  May Allah grant us blessing to witness this great night and more of it in life. May he grant all our heart desire. May He forgive all our sins , May He accept all our Dua's and widen our Rizq with lots of Barakah,May He remove all our difficulties and ease all our task.      May He answer from his infinite mercy all that we need and ask for from the dream of our heart,to the prayers on our lips to our every expectation and aspiration  we have ,May he protect and guide us and keep us Safe from our calamities .                                           May He grant us success and elevate our status both in this world and the hereafter.   (Ameen)


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